How do people and robots interact with each other?

This is the main question that has been, and will probably be for a long time, my focus in research. It started with my Master Thesis on intonation in robot speech, which I presented at HRI2020. In the summer of 2019 I joined eNTERFACE in Ankara, Turkey, where I teamed up in a project on making an end-to-end toolkit for human-agent interaction. Now, I'm doing a PhD in child-robot interaction (cHRI) and voice at the University of Twente. This website is a showcase of who I am and where I am in my academic career. Also, I intend to write a blog post every now and then when I go to events, or have some interesting thoughts to share.


cHRI, Voice and Trust

My PhD research

Intonation in Robot Speech

My Master Thesis, published at HRI2020

eNTERFACE'19 in Turkey

Building a toolkit for human-agent interaction

Other somewhat interesting stuff

The miscellaneaous things I did during my Bachelor and Master.